
Each week commit yourself to using the Reo 2 Go phrases you choose at least three times per week. Challenge yourself to replace the english equivalent in your day. Download and print your Reo 2 Go contract here.

Kia Ora e mara! Ngā mihi e hika! Homai he kihi e te tau! Just by adding greetings in māori everyday, you increase your usage without even trying!! Don't forget to commit to using it at least three times a week until the only way you greet people is in Te Reo Māori! Once you're confident, add different greetings , change who you use the greeting with and / or change the place or situations where you use it!

Keep using your greetings, adding more and more as you become more comfortable using more reo in your day. This week you can now add farewells. This is another simple and easy way to increase the percentage of your time spent using the reo!
Kia pai tō wiki!

Reo Whakamihi! Get in your whanau's good books by dishing out the compliments this week! Choose only two compliments that will suit your every day situation and endeavour to use them at least three times in the upcoming week. Make sure to write down on your Reo 2 Go contract the three places, times and/or people you will use your compliments.
Koia kei a koe!

If you feel a little whakamā when speaking with other reo speakers , you can use the following phrases to help you stay in reo Māori for as long as possible.